Newsletter 2025
Nr. | |
113a | XONTRO migration on to T7 platform - Modification Announcement No. 02 |
Newsletter 2024
Nr. | |
113 | XONTRO migration on to T7 platform - Modification Announcement No. 01 |
112 | Year End Processing 2024 |
111 | XONTRO migration on to T7 platform |
110 | Holidays 2024 |
Newsletter 2023
Nr. | |
109 | Year End Processing 2023 |
108 | Holidays 2023 (update 28.03.2023) |
Newsletter 2022
Nr. | |
107 | Year End Processing 2022 |
106 | Fund Service Hanover (update 14.06.2022) |
105 | Change of SECU password rules |
104 | Holidays 2022 |
102a | Member Simulation Guide for Standard Fonds Valuta |
Newsletter 2021
Nr. | |
103 | Year End Processing 2021 |
102 | Standard Fonds Valuta |
101 | Holidays 2021 |
100 | TVTIC notification within the documentation for broker firms and financial institutes |
Newsletter 2020
Nr. | |
99 | Year End Processing 2020 |
98 | Trade Number Modification |
97 | Holidays 2020 |
Newsletter 2019
Nr. | |
96 | Year End Processing 2019, System authorisation (password changes), Deactivation of dialog functionalities |
95 | "Trade was contracted on a non-Xontro-exchange” flag, Introduction of a new custody type (update) |
94 | Holidays 2019 |
Newsletter 2018
Nr. | |
93 | Year End Processing 2018 |
92 | Encrypted e-mail traffic |
91 | Miscellaneous information |
90 | Holidays 2018 (Update No 1) |
Newsletter 2017
Nr. | |
89 | Year End Processing 2017 |
88 | Holidays 2017 |
Newsletter 2016
Nr. | |
87 | Year End Processing 2016 |
86 | 3rd of October 2016 – Day of the German Unity |
85 | Extended Input Option for OTC |
84 | Whit Monday 2016, Change of SECU Password rules |
Newsletter 2015
Nr. | |
83 | Year End Processing 2015 |
82 | Migration of Stuttgart Stock Exchange |
81 | Whit Monday 2015 |
80 | Anonymized password of SAKI SWIFT |
Newsletter 2014
Nr. | |
79 | Ascending Message Sequence Numbers (FIX) and Düsseldorf brokerage fees |
78 | Year End Processing 2014 |
77 | Security-Contact Person for XONTRO User-ID |
76 | Procedures for the 3rd of October 2014 - German Unification Day |
75 | Consistent default settlement period of t+2 for all ISIN-classes |
Newsletter 2013
Nr. | |
74 | Year End Processing 2013 |
73 | Maximum Order Validity |
72 | Modification with regards to the "High Frequency Trading Law" |
71 | New customer data management system |
70 | BCIN BV processing control handling + Removal of Frankfurt transactions + High frequently trading law + Order deletion lists at year end procedure |
69 | Maintaining master data + Application form for setup, amendment and deletion of customer master data |
68 | "Subscription Order Freeze" |
67 | "Release for Delivery" indicator + Order routing onto MAX-ONE |
66 | EG-Orders at Munich Stock Exchange + Distribution of Contract Notes + Reconciliation report of Bilateral Aggregation |
65 | Information Regarding the Extended Trading Hours at the Stuttgart Stock Exchange + Order Sheet for Contract Notes |
Newsletter 2012
Nr. | |
64 | "Bilateral Aggregation" production launch + "OTC" fees reduction + Password modification within DBAG Host File Service + Fee file allocation rhythm modification |
63 | Year End Processing 2012 + Maximum Order Validity + Accrued Interest Module Modifications + Automatic Custody Type Modifications + Modifications Affecting the Contract Notes Distribution via File Transfer + Modifications of the Fees and Charges Files Allocation Rhythm |
62 | Addition to ext. Trading Hours at Stuttgart Stock Exchange + bilateral aggregation |
61 | Extended Trading Hours at the Stuttgart Stock Exchange |
60 | Further Fields In Contract Notes Data Carrier With XETRA Trades |
59 | Year End Order Deletion + Securities Transaction Tax for French Instruments |
58 | Internal Settlement |
57 | OTC Trades Simplification + Addition to FIX execution report + Change of CBF-Numbers logic + New Identification Number for the CCP |
56 | Addition to FIX Execution Report + Historic Messages File also available in FIX Format + Adment to FIX Frade Capture Report + Changes in direct bank (OTC) Trades |
Newsletter 2011
Nr. | |
55 | Year End Processing 2011 |
54 | Changes (FIX) valid from 2011-11-28 |
53 | Exchange Hannover - new market segment for open funds |
52 | Upgrade File for OTC-Trades + Upgrade Fix Connection + new: ZIP files within BT-Fileservice |
51 | Changes in the subscription functionality |
50 | Trade entries using 'FZ' , value date MAX-ONE + identification value date by 'FE', bonds held (not) in AKV custody, trade entries using 'AS' Trading hours on the exchange of Stuttgart |
49 | Migration from XONTRO Frankfurt onto XETRA Frankfurt 2 Addition / FAQ |
Newsletter 2010
Nr. | |
48 | Year End Processing 2010 |
47 | Interest module modifications+ Issue (value) date, all ISINs except for bonds held in AKV custody, bonds held in AKV custody, Notes for 'deviant contraction date(AS)' and/or 'deviant settlement date(FZ)' |
46 | Interest module modifications+ Trade entries in inactive ISINs |
45 | Abolishment of valuta species FO and FV+ Fees and Pricing File Structure Extension Layout of using BxAG - Abruf Geschaefte |
44 | Interest Calculator + bonds having a delay, fixed value date(dvp), compense order abolition subscription orders,order acceptance deadline, tick size key 7, EG-order (event driven) |
Newsletter 2009
Newsletter 2008
Newsletter 2007
Newsletter 2006
Newsletter 2005
Nr. | |
21 | Sno by trade number specification, accrued interest module, international value date |
20 | Contract notes reception realtime via SAKI |
19 | Brokerage Fee Cap Frankfurt |
Newsletter 2004
Nr. | |
18 | Inflation Indexed Bonds |
17 | Protocol-Change SNA to TCP/IP, Courtage-Cap Stuttgart, Enhancements in MT511 (BI-OTC-No, Storno) |
16 | no english version available; see: OTC über Systemanschluss für Kreditinstitute |
Newsletter 2003 - 2000
no english versions available