XONTRO - Banks

Newsletter 2025

113aXONTRO migration on to T7 platform - Modification Announcement No. 02


Newsletter 2024

113XONTRO migration on to T7 platform - Modification Announcement No. 01
112Year End Processing 2024
111XONTRO migration on to T7 platform
110Holidays 2024


Newsletter 2023

109Year End Processing 2023
108Holidays 2023 (update 28.03.2023)


Newsletter 2022

107Year End Processing 2022
106Fund Service Hanover (update 14.06.2022)
105Change of SECU password rules
104Holidays 2022
102aMember Simulation Guide for Standard Fonds Valuta


Newsletter 2021

103Year End Processing 2021
102Standard Fonds Valuta
101Holidays 2021
100TVTIC notification within the documentation for broker firms and financial institutes


Newsletter 2020

99Year End Processing 2020
98Trade Number Modification
97Holidays 2020


Newsletter 2019

96Year End Processing 2019, System authorisation (password changes), Deactivation of dialog functionalities
95"Trade was contracted on a non-Xontro-exchange” flag, Introduction of a new custody type (update)
94Holidays 2019


Newsletter 2018

93Year End Processing 2018
92Encrypted e-mail traffic
91Miscellaneous information
90Holidays 2018 (Update No 1)


Newsletter 2017

89Year End Processing 2017
88Holidays 2017


Newsletter 2016

87Year End Processing 2016
863rd of October 2016 – Day of the German Unity
85Extended Input Option for OTC
84Whit Monday 2016, Change of SECU Password rules


Newsletter 2015

83Year End Processing 2015
82Migration of Stuttgart Stock Exchange
81Whit Monday 2015
80Anonymized password of SAKI SWIFT


Newsletter 2014

79Ascending Message Sequence Numbers (FIX) and Düsseldorf brokerage fees
78Year End Processing 2014
77Security-Contact Person for XONTRO User-ID
76Procedures for the 3rd of October 2014 - German Unification Day
75Consistent default settlement period of t+2 for all ISIN-classes


Newsletter 2013

74Year End Processing 2013
73Maximum Order Validity
72Modification with regards to the "High Frequency Trading Law"
71New customer data management system
70BCIN BV processing control handling
+ Removal of Frankfurt transactions
+ High frequently trading law
+ Order deletion lists at year end procedure
69Maintaining master data
+ Application form for setup, amendment and deletion of customer master data
68"Subscription Order Freeze"
67"Release for Delivery" indicator
+ Order routing onto MAX-ONE
66EG-Orders at Munich Stock Exchange
+ Distribution of Contract Notes
+ Reconciliation report of Bilateral Aggregation
65Information Regarding the Extended Trading Hours at the Stuttgart Stock Exchange
+ Order Sheet for Contract Notes


Newsletter 2012

64"Bilateral Aggregation" production launch 
+ "OTC" fees reduction
+ Password modification within DBAG Host File Service
+ Fee file allocation rhythm modification
63Year End Processing 2012 + Maximum Order Validity
+ Accrued Interest Module Modifications
+ Automatic Custody Type Modifications
+ Modifications Affecting the Contract Notes Distribution via File Transfer
+ Modifications of the Fees and Charges Files Allocation Rhythm 
62Addition to ext. Trading Hours at Stuttgart Stock Exchange
+ bilateral aggregation
61Extended Trading Hours at the Stuttgart Stock Exchange
60Further Fields In Contract Notes Data Carrier With XETRA Trades 
59Year End Order Deletion
+ Securities Transaction Tax for French Instruments
58Internal Settlement
57OTC Trades Simplification
+ Addition to FIX execution report
+ Change of CBF-Numbers logic
+ New Identification Number for the CCP
56Addition to FIX Execution Report
+ Historic Messages File also available in FIX Format
+ Adment to FIX Frade Capture Report
+ Changes in direct bank (OTC) Trades


Newsletter 2011

55Year End Processing 2011
54Changes (FIX) valid from 2011-11-28
53Exchange Hannover - new market segment for open funds
52Upgrade File for OTC-Trades 
+ Upgrade Fix Connection
+ new: ZIP files within BT-Fileservice
51Changes in the subscription functionality
50Trade entries using 'FZ' , value date MAX-ONE +
identification value date by 'FE', bonds held (not) in AKV custody,
trade entries using 'AS'
Trading hours on the exchange of Stuttgart
49Migration from XONTRO Frankfurt onto XETRA Frankfurt 2
Addition / FAQ


Newsletter 2010

48Year End Processing 2010
47Interest module modifications+
Issue (value) date, all ISINs except for bonds held in AKV custody,
bonds held in AKV custody, 
Notes for 'deviant contraction date(AS)' and/or 
'deviant settlement date(FZ)'
46Interest module modifications+
Trade entries in inactive ISINs
45Abolishment of valuta species FO and FV+
Fees and Pricing File Structure Extension
Layout of using BxAG - Abruf Geschaefte
44Interest Calculator + 
bonds having a delay, fixed value date(dvp), compense order abolition
subscription orders,order acceptance deadline, 
tick size key 7, EG-order (event driven)


Newsletter 2009

43Tick size rules and regulations
42Year End Processing 2009
41New Pricing Model Munich
   Supplement for Pricing Model Munich
40Changes and dates
39Changes for the Boerse Stuttgart fees
38XONTRO Release 27.2 / Xetra Release 10.0
37Trade in bonds quoted per unit


Newsletter 2008

36Year End Processing 2008
35Smallest tradeable unit; Xetra Rel. 9.1
34New fees and pricing model for the floor exchanges Berlin, Duesseldorf, Hamburg and Hannover
33Changes on contract notes data carrier for trades contracted on the “XetraFrankfurt 2” platform


Newsletter 2007

32Year End Processing 2007
31Structured Products
 Attachment to newsletter No.31
30New pricing model of Deutsche Börse Group
28ticksize-stoporder-bxeb-ra-contraction time
272nd Enhancements for new fees' calculation in Stuttgart
26Whit Monday 2007
25Enhancements for new fees' calculation in Stuttgart


Newsletter 2006

24New fees’ calculation for the electronic trading system in Stuttgart
23Smallest transferable / tradeable unit
22balancing of exchange rate differences, 'dirty price' mark, time display order history


Newsletter 2005

21Sno by trade number specification, accrued interest module, international value date
20Contract notes reception realtime via SAKI
19Brokerage Fee Cap Frankfurt


Newsletter 2004

18Inflation Indexed Bonds
17Protocol-Change SNA to TCP/IP, Courtage-Cap Stuttgart, Enhancements in MT511 (BI-OTC-No, Storno)
16no english version available;
see: OTC über Systemanschluss für Kreditinstitute


Newsletter 2003 - 2000

no english versions available